Friday 19 March 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Garageband soundtrack

To get this sound track we mixed a lot of different sounds together from titles such as: jingles, beats, percussion, fx, syn bass and textures. We used alot of different sound types such as ambient sounds, base sounds, atmospheric and city type songs. This soundtrack is used when the victim is walking out the college and through the car park and the killer is watching him.

Rough Cut Feedback

For our rough cut there are many things which we are pleased with and other things still need working on. The positives from the rough cut include: use of different camera shots, effects and soundtrack made from garageband relates to a horror film. Some mistakes include: tripod in camera shot, lighting is too dark and some effects don't match the film. We also need to improve on the beginning of our film e.g. instead of scripting the story use flashbacks to get the story across to viewers.
To improve our film we also need to add scenes such as at the end were the person gets killed, for that scene we need to add different sounds to make the killing seem more realistic and effective for the viewers. Their is also a scene near the end of the clip were the blood splatters on the trees and on the floor, we need to crop this scene because you can see the tomato ketchup bottle from were the fake blood comes from. Even though the sound is effective throughout the film in some parts it is too loud e.g. were the victim is walking out the college and through the car park.
At the end of the clip we are also going to add a scene of the dead body were e is just left to die and he will be covered in fake blood.

Rough Cut